Join us

To walk with us as a visitor, Contact us and our Secretary will send you details of the next walk. Individuals should be contactable via email, which is the primary method of keeping in touch with members.

We invite prospective members to check out the club by doing an initial walk with us to get to know the group and how it operates. After that you are free to apply to join formally. We expect prospective members will do at least one day walk with us before participating in the residential walks of two to five days mentioned above.

Walkers don’t have to register in advance for day walks. You just have to be present at the designated meeting spot in good time for a prompt start at the designated time.

Walk protocols

While walks are carefully planned and described, we all have individual responsibility for making sure we are adequately equipped, and follow the current Instructions for Walkers. Each of us signs an Acknowledgement of Risks form annually, and an attendance form is completed for each walk. Visitors sign a separate Attendance and Acknowledgement of Risks form on the day of the walk.

How to become a member

Please first read the Rules of the Association, which include the statement of purpose of the association.

Undertake a day walk as a visitor, in order to see if the association is likely to be a good fit for you.

Then if you desire, submit a formal application as follows.

In order to become a member, a person shall make a written application to the Secretary of the Association, Joan Kenny, at, including

  • a statement that the person wishes to become a member of the association
  • relevant background (eg alumnus of Melbourne University, or equivalent academic or professional background)
  • brief statement of reasons for wishing to join the association
  • statement of support for the purposes of the association
  • agreement to comply with the rules of the association
  • contact details including name, phone, email and mailing address
  • signature (not required for email applications)

The Committee shall consider the application, and the Secretary will respond.

Membership fee

Currently $45.00 for the calendar year, (half fee payable if joining after June 30) and payable on or before the date of the March walk of each year. Members will be advised of mechanisms for payment.

We are affiliated with Bushwalking Victoria (BWV). Our annual membership fee includes a levy for affiliation, and for BWV’s insurance cover (via Bushwalking Australia) for members of affiliated groups.

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